Couples Therapy and Sex Therapy in the Düsseldorf / Cologne Area | Online Counselling | +491637562482

I became a couple and sexual therapist because I deeply believe that the quality of our relationships forms the foundation for our personal well-being and happiness. In a world often shaped by uncertainty and changing social norms, I want to help people better understand their emotional and sexual needs and create healthy, fulfilling relationships.
I see my role as creating a space where couples and individuals can address their fears, desires, and vulnerabilities in order to find new ways to experience closeness and intimacy.

Born in 1981, I have been living with my family in Düsseldorf since 2018. Prior to that, I spent 16 years in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore, where I was deeply involved in the expat community. During this time, I had the privilege of supporting parents and families from over 50 nationalities in navigating their daily lives in foreign cultures and overcoming the challenges of multilingualism as a couple and with children. These experiences not only deepened my understanding and respect for intercultural diversity but also provided me with valuable insights into various relationships and family systems. This knowledge greatly benefits me in my work as a therapist.
I had the great fortune of completing my education and further training with internationally renowned couples, sexual, and psychotherapists.
​Treating Extra Marital Affairs | Dr. David Schnarch | Crucible Institute | Evergreen
Clinical Training for Professionals | Ester Perel | fortlaufend online I New York
Couples Therapy Level 1 | Dr. John Gottman | The Gottman Institute | Seattle
Systemische Sexualtherapie | Dr. Ulrich Clement | IGST I Heidelberg
Weibliche Lust in der Sexualtherapie | Dr. Angelika Eck | IGST I Heidelberg
Sexualberatung | Dr. Anette Schwarte | Praxis für Sexualität | Aachen

How I support you
In my work, I take a holistic approach, incorporating the body, mind, and soul.
My foundational perspective is based on systemic thinking. This means that I view behavior in the context of interactions within the system, i.e., the world around us.
I believe that every situation can be changed, and that the solutions (because there is always more than one) are already within us. Helping to make them visible is how I see my role!
My consultations are characterized by precise questioning, knowledge sharing, relaxation techniques, and the introduction of physical exercises to be practiced at home.
​Systemische Sexualtherapie (IGST)
Internationale Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie | Heidelberg I Ulrich Clement und Angelika Eck
Systemische Beratung und Therapie, Familientherapie (DGSF)
Wissenschaftliches Institut für Psychologie und Organisationsberatung I Bonn
Kaiserswerther Seminare | Düsseldorf
Systemische Paartherapie (DGSF )
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Therapie, Familientherapie und Beratung
Sexualberatung (DGfS)
Praxis für Sexualtherapie Dr. med. Annette Schwarte | Aachen
Diplom - Sozialpädagogik
Fachhochschule Düsseldorf
Praxis für Systemische Beratung und Therapie seit 2019
Paar- und Sexualtherapie, Achtsamkeitsbegleitung | Düsseldorf, Hilden, online
Ambulante Hilfen zur Erziehung
Familientherapeutin I Düsseldorf
Advitam Gesundheitszentrum
Paar- und Sexualtherapie | Düsseldorf
Fachkraft gegen sexualisierte Gewalt | Langenfeld
Sino European International Private School
Mitbegründerin und Education Director | Shanghai
Shanghai Racquet Club & Apartments | ING Real Estate
Child Care Centre Manager | Shanghai
Deutsche Schule Shanghai, German Swiss International School Hong Kong, Julia Gabriel Centre Singapore
Sozialpädagogin | Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapur
Further Education and Training
Treating Extra Marital Affairs | Dr. David Schnarch
Crucible Institute | Evergreen
Clinical Training for Professionals | Ester Perel
fortlaufend online I New York
Couples Therapy Level 1 | Dr. John Gottman
The Gottman Institute | Seattle ​
LGBTQIA+ Arbeiten mit der Vielfalt | Karina Kehlet Lins​
Traumatherapie | Universitätsklinikum Ulm
Prävention von sexuellem Kindesmissbrauch Universitätsklinikum Ulm
Weibliche Lust in der Sexualtherapie | Dr. Angelika Eck
Klinische Sexologie und Sexocorporel | Dr. Karolin Bischof
"Dann kannst du tun mit mir, was ich will" Ein differenzierungsorientierter Blick auf Paare und ihre sexuellen Probleme | Berit Brockhausen
BDSM in der Psychotherapie | Karina Kehlet Lins