Couples Therapy and Sex Therapy in the Düsseldorf / Cologne Area | Online Counselling | +491637562482

Sex counselling/
sex therapy
In my counselling sessions, you are free to openly discuss your desires, needs, and fears. Together, we will explore what is important to you and work towards gaining understanding and clarity—so that you can feel freer, more confident, and in harmony with yourself.
Strengthen intimacy and create a deeper emotional and physical connection.
Explore your individual and shared sexual needs and desires.
Free yourself from limiting thought patterns and develop open, joyful communication about sexuality.
Overcome uncertainties and challenges to bring joy and passion back into your love life.
Discover new ways to consciously and fulfillingly shape your sexuality.
Book your appointment:
by yourself or with your partner
online or in the Düsseldorf / Cologne area
English and German

Why choose sex therapy?
Sex therapy or counselling is beneficial because it can help identify and overcome blockages and insecurities in the areas of intimacy and closeness.
It creates a safe space where desires, needs, and fears can be openly discussed, promotes better communication, and strengthens the connection to oneself and one's partner.
In this way, a fulfilling and successful sexuality can be (re)experienced.
Topics in sex therapy
Sie haben Schwierigkeiten einen Höhepunkt zu erreichen?
Sie fühlen sich nicht erfüllt, wenn Sie einen Höhepunkt erreicht haben?
Sie haben nie Lust auf Sexualität und könnten gut ohne Intimität leben? ​
Sie finden die Idee von Intimität gut, haben aber nie von alleine Lust?​
Ihr Gegenüber hätte gern, dass Sie mehr Lust haben, aber das setzt Sie unter Druck?
Schmerzen beim GV
Frühzeitige Ejakulation
Unterschiedliche Vorlieben
Sexuelle Fantasien
Unerwünschte Erfahrungen
Ohne sexuelle Vorerfahrung
Offene Beziehung
Sie haben Schmerzen beim Geschlechtsverkehr?
Sie haben Vaginismus und Sexualität ist nicht möglich?
Sie haben Schwierigkeiten eine Erektion zu bekommen oder zu erhalten?
Intime Momente enden oft oder immer früher, als Ihnen lieb ist?
Sie haben andere Vorlieben und wünschen sich Intimität anders als ihr Partner oder ihre Partnerin?
Sie haben sexuelle Fantasien, die Sie beunruhigen?
Sie hätten gerne mehr sexuelle Fantasien?
Sie haben unerwünschte sexuelle Erfahrungen gemacht und dies hindert Sie an positiv gelebter Intimität?
Sie haben bisher keine Erfahrung in der Paarsexualität und möchten das ändern?
Sie möchten ihre Beziehung öffnen?
Sie leben Polyamore und möchten Unterstützung bei Herausforderungen?
Sie möchten ihre Rolle als Liebhaber oder Liebhaberin finden?
Sie möchten sich "erotisch" fühlen?
Sie möchten eine gute Beziehung zu Ihrem Körper haben?
What is on your mind?
The topic of sexuality is multifaceted, and you don’t have to feel alone with it.
Our sexuality is a process that constantly evolves and unfolds. The more positive experiences you have, the more natural it will feel. I am here to accompany and support you on this journey so that you can better understand yourself and your needs.
Frequently asked questions about sex therapy
What can I expect from a session in sex therapy?
Sex therapy takes place in the form of conversation, either online or in person. Sometimes, a few sessions are enough to bring about changes. In other cases, longer-term support can be helpful. We regularly assess the situation to see what benefits you and what you need.
What does sex therapy cost?
Sex therapy with me is a private service, and health insurance does not cover the costs. You can find the costs listed transparently here. There are a few licensed psychotherapists who are also trained in sex therapy. In these cases, health insurance may cover the costs.
Does sex therapy take place alone or with a partner?
Both options are possible, and both can be helpful. You can decide what feels right for you. If you need an assessment, feel free to write to me.
What if my partner doesn’t want sex therapy?
Even if only you are willing to attend sex therapy, this can bring positive changes to the relationship.
Is sex therapy useful for singles?
Especially in this case, it makes sense. You have the opportunity and time to focus on your issues without any pressure.
Where does sex therapy take place?
You can attend a session online. The process and effect are exactly the same as an in-person session. Alternatively, you can visit my practice in Hilden, near Düsseldorf / Cologne.
I'm embarrassed about my issue!
This is completely understandable. In our society, there isn't much open discussion about sexuality. Unfortunately, the media often creates a false image. Many of my clients say that the feeling of embarrassment quickly fades, and it feels good to talk about it.
What’s the difference between sex counseling and sex therapy?
Sex counseling is a solution-oriented support that helps with specific sexual questions or concerns, often through education and practical tips. It is usually short-term and focused on improving sexual well-being.
Sex therapy goes deeper and addresses the emotional or relational causes of sexual problems. It is a more intensive, long-term therapeutic approach that also involves unconscious patterns or conflicts.
What’s the difference between sex therapy and psychotherapy?
Sex therapy focuses on sexual concerns and helps improve sexual well-being. It deals with issues like sexual disinterest and communication problems in a partnership.
Psychotherapy, on the other hand, deals with a broad range of mental and emotional issues, such as anxiety, depression, or trauma, and aims to promote overall mental well-being. I do not offer psychotherapy, do not provide healing, and do not diagnose diseases.
When is the right time for sex therapy?
The right time is when you feel that you are not able to make progress on your own and need support.
Can sex therapy help with a lack of intimacy?
Sex therapy can help restore intimacy and closeness in a relationship.
Can sex therapy be helpful in addition to couples therapy?
Sex therapy can be very beneficial in combination with couples therapy or individual therapy to resolve sexual difficulties and obstacles.